[LatinoMusic] No solo vienen Arepas de Venezuela: Los Amigos Invisibles – The New Sound of Venezuelan Gozadera


Quieres escuchar al mejor grupo de funk latinoamericano? Si te gusta la música funk con letras divertidas que te hagan reír pues entonces Los Amigos Invisibles es lo que estabas buscando. Su álbum “The New Sound of Venezuelan Gozadera”  es un álbum lleno de delicioso funk que se derretirá en tus oídos. El grupo funk se originó en el año 1997 y fue un productor de la banda Talking Heads a quien encantaron con su sonido para finalmente hacerlos firmar por su discográfica. A partir de ello, el viaje para los amigos invisibles ha sido increíble y en esta oportunidad aterrizan con canciones como “UltraFunk“, un sonido fresco con funk de los 70s, “Sexy“, un viaje increíble de una sola jornada al mundo del disco funk, “Las Lycras del Avila“, perfecto para relajarse en la playa, la canción perfectamente sexy “Cachete a Cachete”,  y finalmente la canción que me llevó a conocerlos: “Ponerte en Cuatro”. Este album es un buen inicio al funk latino, prometo que lo amarás. Dale un play. 

Los Amigos Invisibles – The New Sound Of Venezuelan Gozadera (download link)

Sinatra and the beginning of Amy. First album: Frank. [Download Link Inside]

The beginning of everything, a juvenile work fused with intensity, great lyrics and jamming tunes. So, why Frank? Amy said in an interview:  “When I say ‘Frank’s in there and I don’t care,’ that is literally a Frank Sinatra CD. My dad bought me it for Christmas and I was putting all his stuff in a box, like his T-shirt that I used to sleep in. He bought me Frank Sinatra’s In The Wee Small Hours (if you want to read about this classic album and download it, click here) – ironically, cos it’s one of the classic heartbreak albums of all time. Frank as a title for the album is a good word, It is frank… Dunno. Maybe with more time I would have come up with a better title, Sinatra had an emotional connection with music. That was his thing. He had the tone in his voice. But singers? I know a hundred singers that piss on Frank. And musicians. And just as a person: he was an arsehole. But he had an emotional connection to songs that touched everyone, women, men, soldiers”.  

Amy then, tried to do as well as the great jazz musician did at their time, and she started with excellent tunes like Stronger Than Me where the voice of Amy shines accompanied by an excellent band, You Sent Me Flying, a piano and djs scratching, piano in the background and the voice of Amy behind and wrapped together fused in a audio heaven tune. The Lyrics on I Heard Love Is Blind makes you think about an infidelity and what love really is. Finally, Mr. Magic (Through the Smoke) closes the album with a guitar riff solo with a jazzy funky style and ending the song with trumpets in a fantastic way. This album has a style of “glossy admixture of breezy funk, dub and jazz-inflected soul” that is just breathtaking.

amy frank vinyl

Download Amy Winehouse – Frank Album here:

And listen it in Spotify here: Amy Winehouse – Frank on Spotify

Download: The Best Album of Jamiroquai – The Return of the Space Cowboy (Special Edition)



If you want to listen to Jamiroquai best songs then you definitely have to listen to The Return of the Space Cowboy. It was released on 1993 reaching top charts since then, for me is the best acid jazz album ever. Just Another Story was a perfect start, i think they performed the best Acid Jazz on that time. Manifest Destiny has the best that bassline solo that i have ever listened. Morning Glory has very sexy and seductive sounds, and for me the album closes with the best Acid Jazz song in history: Space Cowboy” not just for the vocals but because the whole song is so perfectly integrated, it have the right tools played at the right time and in an accurate way to generate an incredible atmosphere and vibe that is transmitted to the listener in an excellent way!

Jamiroquai’s sophomore album in 1994 took it up a notch. A darker funk sound echoed the more street-based social commentary, and their new music found its way into four million homes worldwide, and into samples and remixes by the likes of Missy Elliott and Calvin Harris. Through a haze of drugs and frustration, singles like ’Just Another Story’ and ’The Kids’ drove home the unrest of the early ’90s, while ’Half The Man’ and ’Stillness In Time’ offered a sweet, home-rolled escape. Even now, the hit single ’Space Cowboy’ is UK radio station Kiss FM’s most played song of all time. Ever.

What can i say for this album? I don’t have words! It is a must have! Really. It already sold 4 Million of copies around the world at this date.

Download: The Return of The Space Cowboy Full Album Rar Special Edition Download